Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Nutrition and Teeth

Proper nutrition means eating a well-balanced diet so that your body can get the nutrients needed for good health and wellness. In fact, adequate nutrition is important in disease prevention and is becoming an extremely important characteristic of preventive dentistry. Here at Maiden Lane Dental, we can’t monitor your diet, but we can suggest foods and tips that will help you keep your teeth.

A diet that promotes good oral health is not just about the foods you eat or avoid – when and how you eat them is equally important. Instead of snacking on sugary, carbohydrate-rich or acidic foods throughout the day, munch on some crisp fruits, veggies and dairy products. Calcium-fortified juices, milk and other dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D and help promote healthy teeth and bones, reducing the risk for tooth loss. Crisp fruits and raw vegetables like apples, carrots, and celery help clean plaque from teeth and freshen breath. Making these small changes to your dietary habits can help protect your teeth and gums.

If you have questions about oral hygiene or the services we provide, give us a call or visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors here at Maiden Lane Dental in New York, NY, call 212-509-4585.

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