Wednesday, September 2, 2015

VELscope Technology

Oral cancer is often deemed the “forgotten disease” because it kills more people than testicular cancer, cervical cancer, and cancer of the brain each year and receives little publicity in return. Many people believe that if they abstain from tobacco and alcohol use, oral cancer will not affect them, however, sometimes it’s too late. Here at Maiden Lane Dental, Dr. Lloyd Becker utilizes VELscope technology to visualize oral tissue abnormalities, including cancer and pre-cancer.

The VELscope system is an adjunctive device which means it must be used together with and as a supplement to the traditional intra and extraoral head and neck exam. The VELscope handheld device emits a harmless, bright blue light which is used to inspect the mouth and tongue. The device is extremely sensitive to abnormal tissue changes and the distinctive blue-spectrum light causes the soft tissue of the mouth to naturally fluoresce. Healthy tissues fluoresce in distinct patterns that are visibly disrupted by trauma or disease, such as neoplastic lesions, and fungal, viral or bacterial infections.

To learn more about VELscope and other services offered at Maiden Lane Dental, visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Lloyd Becker in New York, NY, call 212-509-4585.

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